Good oral hygiene starts with baby teeth

by | Feb 9, 2023 | Dental Tips

You may start thinking about dental visits for your baby once you start seeing several teeth coming in, but dentists and doctors suggest starting even earlier with good oral hygiene to ensure your child has strong healthy teeth and gums.

A baby’s first teeth are a big part of his or her development, including how to chew solid foods and speech development. Since they also are critical in guiding in your child’s permanent teeth, it is clear why care for baby teeth is just as important as care for permanent teeth.

There are several things parents can do to care for baby’s teeth and begin to encourage good oral hygiene as their children grow and take on personal responsibility.

  • Even before the first tooth erupts, wipe your baby’s gums with a damp cloth after each feeding. This starts a good routine that can continue when you begin to see teeth coming in—important because babies have less saliva than adults and need help removing bacteria from the gums.
  • With the first couple teeth, begin using a soft toothbrush and a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste to clean. Continue this routine as your child’s teeth come in, up to about age 3, allowing your child to help and learn proper brushing.
  • Three-year-olds can begin to use a little more toothpaste and learn to spit and rinse.
  • Your child can begin dental visits as early as when the first tooth erupts but should definitely see a dentist by age 1.

Your child’s baby teeth shape your child’s face and help create a healthy environment for the development of permanent teeth. Protect your child’s teeth and gums by following these important tips:

  • Never put your baby to bed with a bottle, even one filled with just water. This bad habit can affect mouth, gum, and tooth development, and a bottle with milk or formula can create pooling that can lead to decay in newly forming teeth.
  • Avoid sugary drinks, including dipping a pacifier in a sweet drink, sugar, or honey.
  • Start your child on a cup at age 1 but continue to avoid sugary drinks. Juice should be cut by half with water.
  • Talk with your child’s dentist about the benefits of fluoride treatment, drops, or chewable tablets, especially if your water source does not have fluoride (such as a private well).
  • Continue to supervise your child’s brushing and oral hygiene habits until about age 10 to ensure proper care, including flossing.

At Thomas & Associates, we welcome children of all ages with a Canton area pediatric dental program that provides gentle and stress-free care for even our youngest patients. With a focus on education, our goal is to create a positive experience that will encourage our pediatric patients to make lifelong dental visits a priority. Call today for more details on our pediatric dental care and all our dental services in North Canton and the surrounding area.

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